Best FitTech Trends for Summer 2024

Kind of FitTech Products are out There Today?

So it’s time, you’ve made the decision to get your body right and start that fitness regimen you’ve been meaning to for so long. But like other industries, technology is something that never stays constant and fitness is no exception. Although fitness draws up many pictures in ones mind, whether it be one of the infamous New Years Resolutions gym TikTok’s or a Richard Simmons led 80’s dance workout video, we have our preconceived ideas of what fitness looks like (or what it doesn’t in some cases).

Reality is that fitness has evolved tremendously from the cringy workout videos we see on the internet. Technology is one of the major driving forces of that change, which has led to an ever-increasing dependence on it, as well as leading to a myriad of new helpful products within the space. Let’s take a look at some of the major spaces:

  1. Biomonitors

    Biomonitors like FitBit and Apple Watch are key players that have been around for years. They’re great for tracking features like heart rate, steps, and calorie burn, however, with the onset of AI fitness, these major tech incumbents are seeing a major influx of innovation which is allowing for even more enhanced biometric monitoring. Products such as the Oura Ring measures body temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, HRV, and Oxygen levels. Along with Oura, there’s other major players preparing to launch their own spin on this space. This is a rapidly changing tech space that’s sure to get more competitive with even more appealing features.

  2. Personalized AI Fitness

    Workout routines tend to see more successful if they are tailored to each user’s needs, yet AI fitness apps have led to this information being more readily available than ever before. These apps bring a much-needed refresh to the personal fitness app landscape because formerly, all that was offered was macro tracking and workout/meal logging. Some workout apps ventured into offering recommendations based on a guided experience from pre-loaded recommendations, not the dynamic planning functionality like AI can offer.

    Apps such as FitGoAI offer this with the ability to personalize workout and nutrition regimen so you can count on tailored suggestions at every step of the way. Just as biometric monitoring devices have enhanced their own landscape, technology will continue to be a driving force that continues to innovate AI fitness coaching.

  3. Telehealth and Mental Health

    With the advent of COVID and everything that followed, many services that were once offered in-person became offered digitally through Telehealth applications and software. This has led to an influx of new mental and physical health solutions on the App Store, as well as integrated into our doctor’s offices. This led to more patients receiving the professional healthcare guidance they need, and making it more readily accessible in the process. Many patients who would otherwise forego their regular meeting with their provider find it more convenient to meet virtually which has helped solidify Telehealth as a viable means for providing accessible healthcare to a wider audience.

  4. Corrective-Form Software

    Form is a vital component to a sustainable fitness journey. The more we train, the more stress we put on our bones and joints. This is why it’s critical to commit to proper form, or revise our form if need be. Before technology provided answers to this, you would need either a personal trainer near you while you do your workouts, or a gym partner that is privy to what proper form looks like.

    With the power of AI, enhanced computer vision can watch a workout be performed, and make recommendations based on how form deviated during the exercise. This is an exciting innovation due to its prompt feedback and likeliness to lead to reduced injuries and sustained success. Without this insight, someone may continue to perform heavier workloads week-by-week, but never correct their form.

How can FitTech Help my Goals?

FitTech is clearly an ever-changing and evolving space that will continue to integrate technology and innovation even more into personal fitness. As we are just starting out in the gym, or wanting to optimize and soar past plateaus, FitTech will be a guiding force we can rely on to put us in a better spot than we were before. We lead busy lives and don’t always have the luxury of being able to afford a dedicated personal trainer or have a seasoned gym partner. These applications can provide the benefits of having a personal trainer in your pocket, while still delivering on real difference makers in your overall fitness.


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