5 Benefits of Resistance Training

Why Add Resistance Training?

Resistance training can be a great way to add a dynamic twist to your workout routines, and it comes with plenty of benefits. When you start working out regularly, it becomes pretty clear that there’s a lot of different ways to train your body. Resistance training is an just one aspect of your fitness, it complements other types of training you may already be doing. For example, if you’re lifting weight regularly but not strengthening your joints at the same time, it could lead to issues down the road.

There’s a lot of different types, but examples of resistance training would include elastic workout bands, medicine balls, free weights, and seated row machines (weighted or hydraulic) all fit the bill. According to the Dept. of Health in the Victoria State Govt, AU, there are important benefits to incorporating resistance training in your routines.

5 Benefits of Resistance Training:

  1. Better Joint Health

    As we age, so do our joints. That’s why we have to keep our joints in mind when we’re adding on the weight week-to-week. We’re only as strong as our weakest link. Preventative maintenance now can prevent debilitating problems down the road.

  2. Improved Posture

    As we train, we become mindful of the many different muscles in our body and how they make the bigger picture. The first way we generally notice is they hurt after an exercise. Good form reinforces proper body mechanics, and positive habits in the gym should lead to better posture and awareness outside the gym

  3. Coordination and Flexibility

    Our bodies are meant to respond to stimuli. That’s why adding weight or resistance causes our bodies to adapt to the parameters we place on ourselves when we work out. Our bodies adjust to the new demands, muscles fine tune to the optimal tension for supporting the increased load. As we progress in our fitness, our range of motion increases with the workouts you do over time. You’re most likely stretching a little more than before too.

  4. Decreased risk of injury

    When we add things like weight or resistance bands to our workouts, they refine our physical health because it is conditioning our bodies to do movements and tasks we’re not used to doing. When we increase range of motion, strengthen joints and connective tissue, or introduce “corrective” exercises to our training, these all work towards being better prepared to see gains and improved fitness rather than injury.

  5. Prevention of Chronic Disease

    Sometimes certain diseases are genetic, and outside intervention may not help at all. As we age though, we have a lot of influence on our body’s health in the way we live our lives. Research has shown that resistance training improves sleep, mood, self-esteem, and overall mental health. The research speaks for itself, now it’s time to make the change.


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